Monthly Archives: January 2013

香巴拉沙龍 – 台北香巴拉一月份網上座談

hayashi主講導師:香巴拉阿闍黎 Acharya Arawana Hayashi


時間:January 5, 2013. 9:00 AM (Taipei Time)

地點:台北香巴拉特定聚會地點 (Shambhala Online)

本次網上座談將在美國紐約州天湖閉關中心舉行。英文教學,具中文同步口譯;開放給所有中文香巴拉人與台北香巴拉小組一起現場上課、討論。歡迎報名洽詢(因網路限制,報名人數將有所限制),請寄:[email protected]



香巴拉網上課程 – 日常生活中的知足 – 歡迎線上註冊! 

Shambhala Online Course: The Way of Shambhala
– Contentment in Everyday Life
「香巴拉之道」- 日常生活中的知足
Date :
9 Nov 2012 Fri. From 08:00 PM Till 10:30 PM (EST, US), 台北時間 11月10日, 週六9 AM 至11:30 AM
14 Dec 2012 Fri. From 08:00 PM Till 10:30 PM (EST, US), 台北時間 12月15日, 週六9 AM 至11:30 AM
Location: Online
Teacher: Shastri Holly Gayley and Senior Teacher Marlow Brooks
2012年四月份,台北香巴拉舉行了「香巴拉訓練」第一階 Shambhala Training Level One,在前置課程「香巴拉之道」中,「日常生活中的禪修」是第一課,已於2012年二月份舉辦,現在要介紹第二課「日常生活中的知足」,開放大眾,歡迎與台北香巴拉小組一起現場上課研討。
知足(Contentment),與正念修習和基本佛教之簡單、精確相連。在此課程中,我們引用了青壯期的老虎為喻,正如老虎以關注與威嚴行過叢林一般,以此,我們在日常生活中,訓練精確簡單、並培養知足。香巴拉學士教師 Shastri Holly Gayley 與資深教師 Marlow Brooks 將共同教授一系列的禪修指導、練習、與討論,並介紹新的思惟修之修習法門。課程分為兩次,每次兩個半小時。這是「香巴拉之道」中的第二段課程。
Shastri Holly Gayley and Senior Teacher Marlow Brooks
香巴拉學士教師 Shastri Holly Gayley 任教於科羅拉多州州立大學宗教研習系所;她自1992年開始親近香巴拉社團,後並在各香巴拉山脈中心教授香巴拉相關課程。
香巴拉資深教師 Marlow Brooks 是一位書法家、畫家、與治療者。她任教於科羅拉多州那若巴大學,自1974年開始親近從學於創巴仁波切,多年來致力研習、教授香巴拉法教,並指導過為數甚多的香巴拉訓練研習營。
英文教學,具中文線上同步翻譯。口譯者:蔡雅琴 Yeachin Tsai,是香巴拉國際翻譯委員會的成員,香巴拉法教書籍之譯者與編者。
建議課程費用:(台北小組)酌收美金25元(兩次課程),歡迎與台北小組一起現場上課。台北小組聯絡人:香巴拉台北;若不與小組一起上課,個人註冊的話為美金25元。您可視個人能力(不用付全額),資助Shambhala Online 老師與工作人員,使線上教學持續地為亞洲信眾服務!
課程開放大眾,並具錄音,供您日後研習。歡迎點按「註冊按鈕」Registration Button 網上註冊。
相關問題請洽詢:[email protected]

課前閱讀:Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, Chapters 1-4 and 9 in Ruling Your World(薩姜,統御你的世界,第一到四章,及第九章。橡樹林出版。)
Chögyam Trungpa, Chapters 2, 3 and 7 in Shambhala: The Sacred Path of the Warrior(創巴,覺悟勇士,第二、三章,及第七章。橡樹林出版。)
Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, Chapter 2 in Turning the Mind into an Ally(薩姜,心的導引,第二章。橡樹林出版。)Optional Reading: 若有空的話,也請閱讀:
Chögyam Trunpga, “Working with Emotions: The Dualistic Barrier” in The Myth of Freedom(創巴,自由的迷思,第四部情緒的對治,二元性的障礙一章。眾生文化出版。)
English Introduction:
The Way of Shambhala – Contentment in Everyday Life
Contentment is connected with the practice of mindfulness and the simplicity and precision of foundational Buddhist teachings. In this course, we use the analogy of a tiger in its prime, walking with care and dignity through the jungle, to bring alive this simplicity and to help cultivate contentment in our daily lives. Over two 2 ½ hours sessions, Shastri Holly Gayley and Marlow Brooks will lead a series of guided meditations, exercises, and discussions and also introduce a new contemplation practice. This is the second course in the Way of Shambhala.
Suggested donation fee: $25 USD – Generosity policy applies ~ you may pay less if necessary, or more if inspired to support Shambhala Online activities.
RECORDINGS: For those who cannot participate in the live broadcast, but wish to participate at a later time, there will be a streamed video recording (internet required) and a downloadable audio recording (internet not required) available after the program. If you would like to participate after the actual program, please follow the same registration procedure as for live participation.
This course is open to all. The program will be broadcast in English with simultaneous Chinese interpretation. Chinese interpreter: Yeachin Tsai.
Any question, please contact: [email protected]
TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS: A computer with a wired, high-speed internet connection. See our Help page for additional information. We will open to test your equipment 30 minutes before the class starts.